
Our professional advisors assist undergraduate students and faculty with forms, schedules, curriculum petitions and other university documents. We have advising resources to help you when you meet with your advisor, and we can help you succeed academically.

Contact the Advising Center for Undergraduates at (515) 294-9926 or email Visit the center at 382 Town Engineering Building 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays.

Departmental Advisors

Trains sit in a station

Study Abroad

Engineering is an increasingly global profession. So ISU CCEE has a unique study abroad opportunity for students. Each May, instructors from ISU CCEE travel with Iowa State students to locations in Europe to study global transportation systems.

Global Perspectives in Transportation (Civil Engineering [CE] 395) is worth three credit hours. Through this course, students will begin to gain an international understanding of the impact of different historical, cultural, social, environmental and political factors for transportation and infrastructure projects. In addition, this course will help students prepare for future careers in both the public and private sector. The course rotates between locations in Italy and Great Britain and lasts for two weeks.

All instructors are professors of Civil, Construction and Environmental engineering at Iowa State University. The ISU professors will be present for the duration of the two-week course. Global Perspectives in Transportation can serve as an engineering topic elective for civil engineering students on the general track. Sophomores, juniors and seniors are encouraged to participate in this opportunity. Possible arrangements can be made for interested graduate students and freshmen.

Visit the Engineering Study Abroad website for more information on international program opportunities for CCEE students.


Explore opportunities for undergraduate and graduate CCEE students from the College of Engineering Scholarships page. This system allows access to all scholarship opportunities available to students through Financial Aid, the college, and their departments in one central online application.

Beyond ISU CCEE Department and College of Engineering scholarships, find ways to learn and earn during your time at ISU. Scholarships are also available for scholars studying abroad and those involved in the University Honors Program.

Additional questions regarding ISU CCEE scholarships should be emailed to

Honors Program

The Engineering College honors program (EHP) is designed to add breadth, depth, and personal and professional development to students’ programs of study.

Some of the opportunities offered to students in the EHP include:

  • Honors classes
  • Small-group honors seminars
  • Collaborations with individual faculty on research projects
  • Extended library loan privileges
  • Priority registration for classes
  • 24 hour use of Jischke Honors Building

Prerequisites, contacts, and more information here.

advisor with student

Questions? We are here to help!

To schedule an appointment, contact our advising office at (515) 294-9926 or, or stop by the Advising Center at 382 Town Engineering Building, open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays.