Environmental Engineering Research Laboratory

This laboratory provides chemical analysis and related training and consultation services.

Automated Analysis

A Seal Analytical AQ2+ automated discrete analyzer is available for unattended automated analysis of nitrogen, phosphorus, silica, sulfate, chloride and cyanide.

A BD-40 block digester is available for simultaneous, semi-automated Kjeldahl nitrogen and total phosphorus digestions.

Mercury Analysis

A Leeman Labs Hydra AF Gold Plus automated mercury analyzer is available to analyze for trace levels of mercury. The analyzer uses cold vapor atomic fluorescence with dual stage gold amalgamation and dual detectors.

Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS)

A Varian Saturn 2100 ion trap GC/MS system that includes MS/MS, SIS, and CI capabilities is available. The system includes an autosampler and GC/MS data station.

Gas Chromatography

Four gas chromatographs served by EZ Chrom Elite Chromatography Data Systems provide a wide range of options for organic analysis. FID, ECD, TCD, ELCD, PID and NPD detectors are available. Autosamplers are available for liquid injection as well as purge-and-trap sampling. Chromatographs are equipped for operation with packed, capillary or Megabore columns. Sample preparation techniques include continuous or discrete liquid-liquid extraction for water samples and sonication or Soxhlet extraction for soil, tissue and other solid samples.

Carbon Analysis

A Shimadzu TOC-Vws TOC Analyzer is available to analyze carbon in liquid samples by the UV-promoted persulfate oxidation method.


The laboratory is equipped for most types of wet chemical analysis, including related spectrophotometric and potentiometric methods. Membrane filter techniques are used for bacterial testing.


For more information, please contact Bongi Hlabano Moyo, Lab Manager at bhlabano@iastate.edu or by calling (515) 294-5639.