
Water-energy-climate nexus

(1)      Summers, H.; Stone, T.; Dickey, L.; Rehmann, C.; Zimmerman, E.; Tyndall, J.; Liu, L. Mapping Barriers to Food, Energy, and Water Systems Equity in the United States. Environmental Science and Policy. 2024, 162, 103941.

(2)      Ganji, F.; Liu, L..; Fellows, S. Implications of climate change mitigation and socioeconomic development on the U.S. electric power sector. Energy and Climate Change. 2024, 5, 100125, 2666-2787.

(3)      Zhang, X.; Li, H.-Y.; Leung, L. R.; Liu, L.; Hejazi, M. I.; Forman, B. A.; Yigzaw, W. River Regulation Alleviates the Impacts of Climate Change on U.S. Thermoelectricity Production. J. Geophys. Res. Atmos. 2020, 125 (4), e2019JD031618.

(4)      Liu, L.; Hejazi, M.; Iyer, G.; Forman, B. A. Implications of Water Constraints on Electricity Capacity Expansion in the United States. Nat. Sustain. 20192 (3), 206–213.

(5)      Liu, L.; Parkinson, S.; Gidden, M.; Byers, E.; Satoh, Y.; Riahi, K. Quantifying the Potential for Reservoirs to Secure Future Surface Water Yields in the World ’ s Largest River Basins OPEN ACCESS Quantifying the Potential for Reservoirs to Secure Future Surface Water Yields in the World ’ s Largest River Basins. Environ. Res. Lett. 2018, 13.

(6)      Li, X.; Vernon, C. R.; Hejazi, M. I.; Link, R. P.; Huang, Z.; Liu, L.; Feng, L. Tethys – A Python Package for Spatial and Temporal Downscaling of Global Water Withdrawals. J. Open Res. Softw. 20186 (1).

(7)      Voisin, N.; Hejazi, M. I.; Leung, L. R.; Liu, L.; Huang, M.; Li, H.-Y.; Tesfa, T. Effects of Spatially Distributed Sectoral Water Management on the Redistribution of Water Resources in an Integrated Water Model. Water Resour. Res. 2017, 53 (5), 4253–4270.

(8)      Liu, L.; Hejazi, M.; Li, H.; Forman, B.; Zhang, X. Vulnerability of US Thermoelectric Power Generation to Climate Change When Incorporating State-Level Environmental Regulations. Nat. Energy 20172, 17109.

(9)      Talati, S.; Zhai, H.; Kyle, G. P.; Morgan, M. G.; Patel, P.; Liu, L. Consumptive Water Use from Electricity Generation in the Southwest under Alternative Climate, Technology, and Policy Futures. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2016, 50 (22), 12095–12104.

(10)      Scott, M. J.; Daly, D. S.; Hejazi, M. I.; Kyle, G. P.; Liu, L.; McJeon, H. C.; Mundra, A.; Patel, P. L.; Rice, J. S.; Voisin, N. Sensitivity of Future U.S. Water Shortages to Socioeconomic and Climate Drivers: A Case Study in Georgia Using an Integrated Human-Earth System Modeling Framework. Clim. Change 2016, 136 (2), 233–246.

(11)      Kim, S. H.; Hejazi, M.; Liu, L.; Calvin, K.; Clarke, L.; Edmonds, J.; Kyle, P.; Patel, P.; Wise, M.; Davies, E. Balancing Global Water Availability and Use at Basin Scale in an Integrated Assessment Model. Clim. Change 2016136 (2), 217–231.

(12)      Li, H.-Y.; Ruby Leung, L.; Tesfa, T.; Voisin, N.; Hejazi, M.; Liu, L.; Liu, Y.; Rice, J.; Wu, H.; Yang, X. Modeling Stream Temperature in the Anthropocene: An Earth System Modeling Approach. J. Adv. Model. Earth Syst. 2015, 7 (4), 1661–1679.

(13)      Liu, L.; Hejazi, M.; Patel, P.; Kyle, P.; Davies, E.; Zhou, Y.; Clarke, L.; Edmonds, J. Water Demands for Electricity Generation in the U.S.: Modeling Different Scenarios for the Water-Energy Nexus. Technol. Forecast. Soc. Change 2015, 94, 318–334.

(14)      Hejazi, M. I.; Voisin, N.; Liu, L.; Bramer, L. M.; Fortin, D. C.; Hathaway, J. E.; Huang, M.; Kyle, P.; Leung, L. R.; Li, H.-Y.; Liu, Y.; Patel, P. L.; Pulsipher, T. C.; Rice, J. S.; Tesfa, T. K.; Vernon, C. R.; Zhou, Y. 21st Century United States Emissions Mitigation Could Increase Water Stress More than the Climate Change It Is Mitigating. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.  2015, 112 (34), 10635–10640.

(15)      Voisin, N.; Liu, L.; Hejazi, M.; Tesfa, T.; Li, H.; Huang, M.; Liu, Y.; Leung, L. R. One-Way Coupling of an Integrated Assessment Model and a Water Resources Model: Evaluation and Implications of Future Changes over the US Midwest. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. 2013, 17 (11), 4555–4575.

Urban water sustainability

(16)      Liu, L.; Lopez, E.; Dueñas-Osorio, L.; Stadler, L.; Xie, Y.; Alvarez, P. J. J.; Li, Q. The Importance of System Configuration for Distributed Direct Potable Water Reuse. Nat. Sustain. 2020.

(17)      Zhou, X.; Dueñas-Osorio, L.; Doss-Gollin, J.; Liu, L.;  Stadler, L.; Li, Q. Mesoscale Modeling of Distributed Water Systems Enables Policy Search. Water Resources Research. 2023.

(18)      Liu, L.; Zhou, X.; Dueñas-Osorio, L.; Stadler, L.; Li, Q. Hybrid wastewater treatment and reuse enhances urban water system resilience to disruptive incidents. Nature Water. 2023.

(19)      Ali, P.; Xu, G.; Carlson-Stadler, R.; Vela, J.D.; Liu, L.; Shaw, A.; Stadler, L. B. Resilience in Function, Microbial Community Structure, and Nitrifier Composition of Bench-Scale Biofilm Reactors during Wet Weather Disturbances, ACS E&T Water. 2025.

(20)      Liu, L.; Morrison, J.; Stadler, J.; Shaw, A., Vela; J.D., Christenson, D. Modeling the Resilience Performance of Houston’s Wastewater Treatment Plant under Wet Weather Conditions, Journal of Sustainable Water in the Built Environment,

Climate change impact on water resources

(21)      Hong, Y.; Liu, L.; Qiao, L.; Adhikari, P. Climate Change and Hydrological Hazards. In Handbook of Engineering Hydrology; Eslamian, S., Ed.; Taylor & Francis Group, 2014; pp 53–70.

(22)      Zhang, N.; Hong, Y.; Qin, Q.; Liu, L. VSDI: A Visible and Shortwave Infrared Drought Index for Monitoring Soil and Vegetation Moisture Based on Optical Remote Sensing. Int. J. Remote Sens. 2013, 34 (13), 4585–4609.

(23)      Lu, L.; Yang, H.; Jonathan, L.; Rachel, R.; Bin, Y.; Zengxin, Z.; James, H.; Mark, S. Climatological Drought Analyses and Projection Using SPI and PDSI: Case Study of the Arkansas Red River Basin. J. Hydrol. Eng. 2013, 18 (7), 809–816.

(24)      Liu, L.; Hong, Y.; Bednarczyk, C. N.; Yong, B.; Shafer, M. A.; Riley, R.; Hocker, J. E. Hydro-Climatological Drought Analyses and Projections Using Meteorological and Hydrological Drought Indices: A Case Study in Blue River Basin, Oklahoma. Water Resour. Manag. 2012, 26 (10), 2761–2779.

(25)      Liu, L.; Hong, Y.; Hocker, J. E.; Shafer, M. A.; Carter, L. M.; Gourley, J. J.; Bednarczyk, C. N.; Yong, B.; Adhikari, P. Analyzing Projected Changes and Trends of Temperature and Precipitation in the Southern USA from 16 Downscaled Global Climate Models. Theor. Appl. Climatol. 2012, 109 (3), 345–360.