
July 2024

May 2024

April 2024

  • Undergraduate student Shanna Fellows won First Place in the Environmental/Water Resources Undergraduate category at the 12th Annual Student Research Showcase & Poster Competition, Iowa State University.
  • Ph.D. student Revanth Mamidala won Second Place in the Environmental/Water Resources Graduate category at the 12th Annual Student Research Showcase & Poster Competition, Iowa State University.

January 2024

  • Ph.D. student Fatemeh Ganji received the 2024 Science Communication Fellowship on Plants and Climate Change Education (PLACCE).

December 2023

  • Liu talked about why going decentralized for water supply is the way for more resilient water future. See the full article on The Conversation.

November 2023

September 2023

  • ​Ph.D. student Emmanuel Padmore Mantey won First Place in the poster competition at 2023 Iowa Water Conference.

August 2023

July 2023

  • Liu (PI) together with Antonio Arenas (co-PI) are awarded by the Iowa Water Environment Association to study the resilience of Des Moines’ combined sewer system to wet weather

May 2023

  • Dr. Lu Liu and Dr. Antonio Arenas talked about why building flood control systems on historical data won’t protect against future flood risk. See the full article on The Conversation.

April 2023

  • ​Ph.D. student Emmanuel Padmore Mantey won First Place in the Environmental/Water Resources Graduate category at the 11th Annual Student Research Showcase & Poster Competition, Iowa State University
  • Undergraduate student Shanna Fellows won First Place in the Environmental/Water Resources Undergraduate category at the 11th Annual Student Research Showcase & Poster Competition, Iowa State University
  • Ph.D. student Haleigh Summers won Best Poster in the 11th Annual Environmental Science Graduate Research Symposium, Iowa State University

March 2023

February 2023

  • Undergraduate student Shanna Fellows’ research featured on CCEE news.
  • Liu (co-PI) received two Presidential Jump Start seed funding: 1) Improving Understanding of Climate Justice for Vulnerable Groups Through Communication and Community Engagement; 2) Strengthening Stormwater Infrastructure in Marginalized Communities Through Social Justice Indicators.

October 2022

August 2022

  • ​Ph.D. student Fatemeh Ganji received the CGRER travel grant to attend 2022 AGU Fall Meeting in Chicago.

April 2022

  • ​Ph.D. student Fatemeh Ganji won First Place in the Environmental/Water Resources Graduate category at the 10th Annual Student Research Showcase & Poster Competition, Iowa State University
  • Undergraduate student Shanna Fellows won First Place in the Environmental/Water Resources Undergraduate category at the 10th Annual Student Research Showcase & Poster Competition, Iowa State University

March 2022

September 2021

  • M.S. student Jarrett Morrison won Second Place in the Environmental/Water Resources category at the CCEE Undergraduate and Graduate Research Symposium, Iowa State University