Around campus
- 1871, The engineering curriculum was divided into civil and mechanical engineering. The first CE staff member was George W. Jones, Jr.
- 1871, To enter Iowa State College as freshmen, students must pass examinations in grammar, spelling, geography, arithmetic, and algebra. Some sample questions:
- Name and define all parts of speech
- Name in order of size the 3 largest rivers in the world
- Divide 365,729 by 365
- If 4 men in 6 days cut 36 cords of wood, in how many days will 9 men cut 27 cords?
- 1871, Donations to the College for 1870 and 1871: Rhubarb roots, garden seeds, mowers, plows, a beehive, quartz geodes, a copy of the Dubuque Daily Times, and cattle portraits. The Library contains 2,400 volumes (and spends $1,244.01 on new books).
- 1872, The first graduating class from Iowa State College included four civil engineers (out of a total number of 26; 24 men and 2 women).
- 1872, The freshman class schedule consisted of campus labor from 7 a.m. till 10 a.m., study time from 10 to noon, classes beginning at 1:30 through 5, and the evening was for studying. Chapel was compulsory, and any absence resulted in 3 demerits.
- 1873, The University motto, “Science with Practice,” is first used.
- 1876, Pi Beta Phi (organized as I.C. Sorosis) is the first national sorority on campus.
- 1878, The Alumni Association is founded. The first telephones are installed on campus.
- 1879, The “School” of Veterinary Science is organized, the first state veterinary college in the United States. This is originally a two-year course leading to a diploma.
- 1879, Students are charged the following: $2.50 for Board, per week; $.40 for Lighting and heating; $.21 for Incidentals; $1.00-3.00 for Room rent; $.50 for Washing; and a $5.00 janitor’s fee. There are no tuition charges, but students have to bring their own bedding. Students are also not allowed to play cards or use tobacco in any College rooms and are expected to attend Chapel daily.
- 1879, The first professional engineering degree is given in Civil Engineering and is awarded to Charles F. Mount. Iowa State College grants the nation’s first master’s degree in engineering.

Old Main, which stood approximately where Beardshear Hall is today, was destroyed by fire at the turn of the century.